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The Association for Academic Psychiatry calls out annually for nominations for the positions of Vice President and Nominating Committee Members. Every other year calls are made for nominations for the position of secretary/treasurer. AAP encourages all Members to nominate another AAP Member in good standing for one of these positions or to share their own interest in holding this position.

Vice President

Term: The vice president assumes office at the close of the Annual Meeting at which elected and serves until the corresponding period one Annual Meeting hence. The vice president will automatically ascend to president-elect who will automatically ascend to president and then continue one additional year on the Executive Board as past-president. The full-term ascension commitment is four years. 


Vice President: The vice president assists the president and the president-elect in the discharge of the president’s duties.

President-Elect: The president-elect assists the president in the discharge of the president’s duties and presides at all meetings in the absence of the president and serves as the chair for the AAP Awards Committee. In addition, the president-elect also serves as the chair for the ongoing AAP Virtual Education Program Planning Committee.

President: The president shall be the chief executive officer of the Association. The president presides at all meetings and gatherings of AAP and of the Executive Board and Leadership Council. The president has the responsibility for conducting the correspondence of AAP, appointing members to committees and approving committees. The president also provides guidance to the administrative director in the day-to-day business management of AAP and in this capacity interprets board policy to the administrative director. The president performs such other duties and exercises such other rights as these bylaws, custom or parliamentary usage may require or as the Executive Board directs.

Past-President: The past-president provides guidance and assures continuity during the transition of leadership and serves as the chairperson for the AAP Nominating Committee.


Term: The secretary/treasurer assumes office at the close of the Annual Meeting at which elected and serves until the corresponding period two Annual Meetings hence.  The secretary/treasurer is eligible for re‑election to a second consecutive two-year term.

Duties/Responsibilities: Secretary/treasurer, working with and through the AAP administrative director or designee:

a.   Attends the annual and special sessions of AAP, keeps a correct and permanent record of the business meetings and transactions of AAP, presents the records and documents of AAP at all meetings, receives the reports of all committees and all papers immediately upon being read at the Annual Business Meeting and files them with the other transactions, subject to the order of the Executive Board.

b.   Is the custodian of the books, records, manuscripts, papers, and correspondence of AAP.

c.   Keeps a current register of the members.

d.   Completes all business in a timely manner and promptly relinquishes documents and papers to the successor at the expiration of the secretary’s term of office.

e.   Faithfully performs the duties of the office in the manner set forth, and forthwith upon the expiration of the term of the office, hands over to the elected successor in office all papers, record books, or other property belonging to AAP.

f.    Is the custodian of all funds of AAP and is accountable for their safekeeping. Receives all fees, dues, and assessments from applicants and members, and all monies including gifts, bequests, donations, and grants belonging to AAP and deposits all such monies in the name of AAP in a banking institution approved by the Executive Board. In like manner, the secretary/treasurer keeps a current, true and correct record of all receipts and all disbursements.

g.   Shall disburse the funds of AAP as may be ordered by the Executive Board, in accordance with the disbursement policies established by the board.

h.   Prepares through the AAP administrative director or designee a detailed report of all receipts and disbursements and of the financial condition of AAP and presents the same to the Executive Board and to the Annual Business Meeting of AAP.

Nominating Committee Member

Term: The Nominating Committee shall consist of five Members including the chair. Each of the members shall serve a one-year term including the immediate past president of AAP who serves as the chair. One member shall serve a two-year term to assure continuity with the leadership determination process.

Duties/Responsibilities: The Nominating Committee will report the names of Members whom it recommends and nominates for election to offices and positions in AAP that will be vacant at the end of the Annual Meeting to the AAP Executive Board at its meeting immediately preceding the Annual Meeting. At least thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Meeting, the nominees will be presented to the membership. The chairperson of the committee will nominate the Members for offices that will be vacant at the end of the Annual Meeting and will also report a nominating justification to the membership in the case of any nominations made from the floor. The committee shall select from the Members the single most appropriate candidate for each office. Consideration shall be given to individual academic and clinical merit, previous service to AAP, organizational and leadership qualities, willingness to serve if elected, and, in the case of otherwise equally qualified candidates, the geographical makeup of the Executive Board. Any eligible voting Member may nominate from the floor. The election will be by a majority vote of the eligible voting Members present and voting. The report of the Nominating Committee, nominations from the floor, if any, and the election will take place at the business meeting of the Annual Meeting.

Nomination Guidelines

  • Nominator’s name, address, institutional affiliation, phone, and e-mail address
  • Nominee's name, address, institutional affiliation, phone, and e-mail address
  • Nominator's personal statement (in 350 words or less) about why this person should be slated to hold this position for AAP.
  • Current CV (nominee)
  • Electronic submission is required.  All materials must be included in a single .pdf submission.

DEADLINE: July 1, 2025

For additional inquiries, contact Iljie Fitzgerald, MD, MS, Nominating Committee Chair, at

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Association for Academic Psychiatry (AAP)

2563 Oakwood Drive, Crown Point, IN

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