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2021 AAP Virtual Social Program CHEESE TASTING

May 22, 2021 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM (CDT)


2021 AAP Virtual Social Program
An Interactive Zoom Cheese Tasting
Presented by AAP's very own Dr. Sean Blitzstein & Dr. Lewis Krain
May 22, 2021
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm (central time)

You tried the chocolate (or maybe it was too rich for you); you drank the wine (or maybe you abstained); now it’s time to cut the cheese (yes we went there). Co-hosts Lewis Krain and Sean Blitzstein will lead a (semi) guided tour through the world of fermented dairy and assorted cheese puns. This event is designed to break the mold. You can go high end or low end…. we’ll provide some suggestions, but you can bring your favorite brand and share with the rest of us. One thing is certain… a gouda time will be had by all. 

AAP is pleased to provide this online opportunity for academic psychiatrists and their colleagues to connect and collaborate through the AAP Virtual Social Program. 

Questions? Concerns? 

Please contact Lisa Hedrick at or 770-222-2265


Interactive presentation on Saturday, May, 22 2021 is scheduled from 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Central Time) followed by lots of social time!


Zoom Conference

The 2021 AAP Virtual Social Program Tastings & Events Cheese Tasting will be held virtually through Zoom.  

Prior to the event, each registrant will receive instructions to connect to the video conference.  

Contact Information

Association for Academic Psychiatry (AAP)
Name: Lisa Hedrick
Phone: 7702222265
We're sorry. No registrations are currently available. You may wish to contact the event organizer for assistance.
{{ vm.EventInfo.ErrorMessage }}

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Exhibitor Opportunities

Name Price Att Qty
{{ et.Name }}
{{ et.IncludedAttendeesCount }} {{ et.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType }} Remaining {{ et.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType * -1 }} on Waiting List {{ et.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType * -1 }} Over Limit
{{ et.Remaining }} Remaining
Sold out

Attendee Registration Options Total Remaining: {{ vm.EventInfo.VacantSpotsPerEvent }}

Waiting List Available
{{ vm.stats.totalAttendeesCount }} Registered , {{ vm.OverallOverAmount() }} on Waiting List , {{ vm.OverallOverAmount() }} Over Limit
Name Price Qty
{{ rt.Name }}
{{ rt.IsMemberOnly ? ' (Members Only)' : '' }}
Limit: {{ rt.LimitPerPurchase }}
Included Attendees: {{ rt.AttendeesCountPerOneRegistration }}
{{rt.Price | currency }} {{rt.PriceAfterDiscount | currency }} {{ rt.Price | currency }}
{{ rt.RemainingPerType }} Remaining
{{ rt.RemainingPerType * -1 }} on Waiting List
{{ rt.RemainingPerType * -1 }} Over Limit

{{'[[Sponsorship]] Opportunities' | localizeString:'['}}

Name Price Att Qty
{{ st.Name }}
{{ st.IncludedAttendeesCount }} {{ st.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType }} Remaining {{ st.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType * -1 }} on Waiting List {{ st.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType * -1 }} Over Limit
{{ st.Remaining }} Remaining
Sold out

Registration Information


Exhibitor - {{er.Name}}

Exhibitor #{{ $index + 1 }}

Total: {{exhibitor.TotalPrice | currency}} {{ exhibitor.IsBenefit ? "- Included as a Benefit" : exhibitor.IsDiscounted ? "- Discounts have been applied" : ""}}
Exhibitor Directory
Primary Contact
Booth Information
Additional Information
Additional Items

Attendee - {{er.Name}}

{{ att.getAttendeeTerm(vm.EventSettings.AdditionalAttendeesTerm, $index) }} #{{ att.getAttendeeIndexDisplay(vm.EventSettings.AdditionalAttendeesTerm, $index) }}

Total: {{att.TotalPrice | currency}} {{att.DiscountMessage | localizeString:'['}}
A No Show fee is being assessed for {{fee.EventName}} on {{fee.EventStartLocalTimeString}}.



Additional Information
Event Sessions


{{slot.SelectedSession.SessionDescription + (slot.HasFees ? " (Price: " + (slot.PriceTotal | currency) +")" : "")}}

Additional Items

{{'[[Sponsorship+]]' | localizeString:'['}} - {{er.Name}}

{{'[[Sponsor]]' | localizeString:'['}} #{{ $index + 1 }}

Total: {{sponsor.Price | currency}}

Additional Items


{{(vm.EventInfo.Terms.Donation || "Fundraising") + " Opportunities"}}

Campaign Name Item Description Amount
{{item.CampaignName}} {{item.Description + (item.ShowMinimumPrice && item.MinimumPrice ? " (Min: " + item.MinimumPrice + ")" : "")}}

Complete Registration


Terms & Conditions

No Show Policy

{{ vm.EventInfo.EventSettings.NoShowPolicy }}

Enter Promo Code

This event is synced to a webinar so no confirmation email will be sent from GrowthZone.

Thank you to our {{'[[Sponsor+]]' | localizeString:'['}}